
We believe there’s strength in numbers, but only if connected.

Caribbean news, shopping, entertainment & more, catered for you – explore the features of our APP below.

  • Business Directory

    Find the businesses that are open during the pandemic in your area. List your business during the pandemic for FREE.

  • News

    Get news alert from your location of choice, right on your phone.

  • Radio Stations

    Quick stream radio stations from your selected location or the entire Caribbean if you wish.

  • Select Location

    Choose a location; find what you need, where you need it.

  • COVID-19

    Emergency info. and everything COVID, get it right here.

  • Heroes/Tributes

    Honour our heroes and remember those we’ve lost.

  • Virtual Events

    Events are moving online. Find out what is happening and when.

  • Partners

    Find out about current partners and opportunities with PromoCaribbean.

We are the Caribbean

PromoCaribbean is an APP designed by members of the Caribbean community with the objective of keeping us connected, because together we are stronger.
COVID-19 has changed the way the world does business and impedes our ability to travel and has taken the lives of our love ones. The PromoCaribbean APP was designed to allow us to continue to operate in this new reality, while remembering those on the frontline and those we’ve lost.

Staying Together While We’re Apart

  • Shopping – Select your location, find businesses in your area, shop from your phone
  • Latest News – Get news from around the Caribbean sent to your phone
  • Radio Stations – Listen to your favourite music/radio station from any island
  • Heroes/Tribute – Upload photos of our healthcare/frontline workers or a tribute to someone you’ve lost

About the COVID-19 Marketplace

We are Caribbean Nationals who are committed to promoting Caribbean culture, business, and community, guided by ethical business practices and a commitment to uplift us all.


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The Caribbean Marketplace from the safety of your home


Download The PromoCaribbean App

Support the Caribbean with this free app that highlights businesses open during the COVID Pandemic. Find what you need, when you need it. Read, shop, learn, & enjoy - All from the safety of your home.

Download the PromoCaribbean App now.

User Reviews

See what our users are saying about the PromoCaribbean app.

K Sensi

This is an excellent app. Bringing the Caribbean people together, connecting and promoting us to the rest of the world. Well designed, user friendly, quite comprehensive and it doesn't take up much space on my phone. Great for tourists and locals alike. A wonderful marketing tool for all types of businesses.

Christopher Penny

Brilliant! PromoCaribbean is an innovation that will bring the Caribbean and the rest of the world together.

Yahti Iman

Awesome app and very easy to use! Updated info on everything Caribbean from news and travel to beaches and restaurants.

Vincent Nathan

A great one stop hub for relevant news and information about Grenada and the Caribbean. Its all fresh!!!

Najah Saran

This app is a great source for COVID news in the Caribbean region. Easy to use/navigate and makes Caribbean nationals who live abroad, like myself, still feel connected and a part of the community. Easy to navigate and up to date. Good job!

Jodh Bir

Amazing app.Its simply best for everything